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I am really excited and trilled about the new updates
currently being developed; it should be rolled out soon.
I want to personally thank all the customers for their unbelievable
input and feedback. You are absolutely remarkable,
ambitious and thought-provoking. I truly believe no idea or question is
silly or absurd; especially if the intentions are good.
Even the greatest ideas on earth started from a simple
hunch; the greater challenge lies in applying it in a useful way.
Even the smartest brains can create the most
advanced bicycle in the world, but if you’re clueless
about pedaling and braking, you’ll probably prefer walking.
That’s why your opinions are always critical, and I look forward to
always hearing what you honestly think. After all, the world is way better
off with free people.

“Inspiration Feeds Innovators “

Why Can’t We Celebrate Valentine More Often? Should We?

Love, passion and lust these are very deep and thought-provoking topics that can make anyone’s lips crave or sour in pain. It is in human nature to seek or be curious about these scintillating ideas. After a hard day’s work, at least for some of us, who are in a relationship or single; we tend to wonder, is the grass greener on the other side or are we just doomed to live a repetitive and predictive lifestyle. How Painful.

The Dating ritual is part of human nature; we are not born to know these cues and signals, but are unofficially taught by family, friends and by excruciatingly observing mainstream media. By my personal experience it takes work, lots of works, and for most people, after they achieve their minor realization, they tend to stretch their legs and begin their vacation.

Valentine’s Day offers a powerful platform for both SEXES in this modern age to stake a claim at proving and sharing their sentiments with flowers,   jewelry and others : they’ll still drive your partner crazy. Furthermore, the truth is it’s beyond that because after all the gifts, maybe even buying a private jet. If there’s no/lack of communication, bond, partnership and sharing of ideas. Well guess what, all your insecure nightmares imaginable will come true.

People who hate Valentine for obvious reasons should stop whining; there’s more than enough help to either build/strengthen a relationship or enjoy a carefree, wild casual lifestyle: your choice. Valentine is a window that can open powerful doors; I’ll keep this PG 13. One brilliant idea that is a classic and always works is face to face communication not delivery a gift. For an intro. to men,  a classic shirt or fragrance to a known acquaintance or partner is still very powerful since probably the Stone Age. You’ll keep him guessing and thinking about you constantly by telling him about other surprises; always save the best for later .Even cave women could do it, so there are no excuses.

For the busy professional online dating, is a fantastic start, but to future bulletproof your solution is to work on yourself and understanding your present or potential partner; trust me it’s work, but definitely worth it. There are expert and featured opinions for men and women about various topics on relationships and dating. As far as relationships are concerned, I’ve seen it all breakups, heartbreak, sleepless nights and unbelievable pleasure. I feel you should celebrate valentine more often, but not every day though that’ll be a little retarded. You can write a BRIEF response on my BLOG on what you think. It’s a BRIEF response not your entire breakup or mating history. I’ll follow up on what you think, and maybe add more opinions later; there are other important things in life you know.

“Life’s too short to avoid the beauty, joy and simple pleasures that make us human” : IQine.com

Smart/Productive Technology for this Decade Now

Wow! what a decade, it felt like a century of events from tragedies to breakthroughs.
One true fact is starting this year, any possibility you can imagine can be yours.
There are two distinct possibilities when it comes to your future/career choice,
which is either being a small business owner or being part of a large corporation; maybe
a hybrid of both.

These choices are definitely coupled with constant research and knowledge development either in educational pursuits or personal explorations. The choice will be yours, and personal technological tools will always be a deciding factor in how much you advance in your personal and professional life.

There are a variety of technological solutions out there, but in terms of tablet pcs and laptops,Fujitsu is a top technology leader. They have quality digital tools that will enhance your productivity and support all your aspirations; whether it’s small business, continuing education, enterprise, research and even mobile working solutions.

They have every specialized solution for your state of the arts needs with a large number of their top quality products on sale right now. They even offer free shipping and additional giveaways on some laptops and tablet pcs. May I also add that they have a very good technical and product support team. What a Bargain! They also have financing options depending on your personal or professional needs.

Let’s face it; it’s a digitized world, where ideas, wealth and solutions can come from anywhere even right under your nose.In today’s world of ever changing trends, peaks, valleys and topsy-turvy predictions you need competitive advantage.That’s why I’m very passionate about technology and how it improves our daily productivity.
You can check out my site at IQine! , and add me to your web 2.0 profiles about responses or feedbacks about your thoughts.It’s your life, dreams and ambitions: Act now on your ideas before someone else does.